2019 to present
RODAJE is a series of film exercises devised to learn the ropes and knots of the trade. Absolute provides food and drink, while apprentices using ordinary tools and props handle unexpected challenges and engage in rigorous creative play to produce a fine-tuned production within a set time frame.
2013 to 2015
Fabrika workshops [2013-2015] were conceived as a way to be creatively resourceful with ordinary tools—cell phones, night lamps, imagination and 3 hours to develop a concept, script it, shoot it and edit it. Exceptions: Amongst Children and OCD.
50 horas de trabajo en el plazo de una semana
Video [10:00]
Magdalena Cuevas (Licenciada), Wendy L. Guzmán Rodríguez (Ana), María Reséndez (Penélope), Miguel Álvarez (Agente)
Dirección: Daniel Meza y Rogelio Carrizales || Producción: Absolute Art Productions || Guión basado en una lluvia de ideas por el colectivo: Daniel Meza || Música: Hurt de Johnny Cash, El Cielo & la Tierra de Zeng Wentong, Mujeres de Troya de Charles Gounod, Té Para Tres de Gustavo Cerati || Sonido: Daniel Meza || Montaje: Daniel Meza || Diseño: Elda Ramos || Fotografia: Daniel Meza || Vestuario: colectivo || Técnicos de producción: Alan Balderas y Elda Ramos || Tutoria: Angeles Romero
Gracias al patrocinio de MECA y Todas las cositas lindas. Houston, Texas | 2019
An intimate psychological portrayal about detachment and longing rooted in the human heart.
watch video [05:00]
Director Angeles Romero
Producer Loriana Espinel
Cinematography Leon Esquenazi
Music & Editing Angel Quesada
Marina Sayra Contreras
Diego Rogelio Carrizales
watch video [00:48]
A breakdown in the relation between thought, emotion and behavior.
Director Ángeles Romero
Film Actress Sayra Contreras
watch video [02:59]
Institutional abuse heightened by the clash of two musical scores.
Director Juan Mejia
Producer Angeles Romero
Photography Rogelio Carrizales
Original Idea Angel Quesada
Sound León Esquenazi & Angeles Romero
Editing Angeles Romero + Vanessa Alanis
Set & Costume Sayra Contreras + Angeles Romero
Old Lady Jasmine D.S. Torres
Nurse Vanessa Alanis
Maid Sayra Contreras
watch video [01:52]
An accidental amorous encounter between two cyborgs.
Director Loriana Espinel
Photography Angeles Romero
Editing Angeles Romero + Angel Quesada
Sound Angel Quesada
Male Cyborg Angel Quesada
Female Cyborg Annais Alvarez
Female Scientist Lidia Porto
Male Scientist Hector Bidegain
Female Assistant Sayra Contreras
watch video [01:01]
A horror film of a medical malpractice.
Director Self-Directed
Photography Everyone
Sound Design Angel Quesada
Editing Angeles Romero
Set & Costume Sayra Contreras + Angeles Romero
Sound Design Angel Quesada
Ailing Man Hector Rodríguez-Bidegain
Wife Angeles Romero
Doctor Rogelio Carrizales
watch video [00:32]
A surreal portrayal of Earth in pouring agony.
Director Ángeles Romero
Sound León Esquenazi
Earth Sayra Contreras
watch video [01:08]
A woman's invocation of her beloved dog.’
Director & Editing Angeles Romero
Photography León Esquenazi
Film actress Sayra Contreras
watch video [01:14]
A starlet’s fine line between the desire of love and admiration.
Director Angeles Romero
Photography León Esquenazi
Starlet Sayra Contreras
watch video [01:40]
Regeneration method to face the present in the future.
Director Sergio Rodriguez
Patricia Angeles Romero
watch video [02:46]
Suburban dad is seduced by potential venture.
Director, Editor and Sound Design: Angel Quesada
Real Estate Vanessa Alanis
Husband Juan Mejia
Wife Sayra Contreras
Gamer 1 Nicholas Bidegain
Gamer 2 Nicholas Vizcaino
watch video [00:36]
Superwoman thwarts a crime.
Director & Editing Angeles Romero
Music Angel Quesada
Man Rogelio Carrizales
Superwoman Jasmine D.S. Jasmine
Thief Juan Mejia
watch video [01:39]
A day in the life of a window washer.
Camera & Concept Angeles Romero
Sound Design León Esquenazi
watch video [00:49]
An abstract primal kaleidoscope.
Director Angeles Romero
Finger Sayra Contreras
watch video [01:00]
Young woman approaches older man with a surprising ending.
Director & Camera Sayra Contreras
Editors Angeles Romero & Jasmine Torres
Sound Angel Quesada
Woman Jasmine Torres
Man León Esquenazi
watch video [1:22]
Love in the era of OCD, STDs and other alphabet soup diseases.
Director, Photography, Editing
By Sebastian Bidegain
Male Héctor Bidegain
Female Deborah Solis
watch video [00:56]
The painful reality of unrequited love.
Director & Camera Angeles Romero
Crying woman Sayra Contreras
Birdman Vizcaino
watch video [00:57]
A woman's subtle, yet elegant relationship break-up.
Director León Esquenazi
Camera and Editing Angeles Romero
Actress Sayra Contreras
watch video [0:21]
A whimsical desire to follow the sun.
Director Angeles Romero
PhotographyLeón Esquenazi